--- class: middle # Features of remark.js slide - Slide as a single HTML with script urls on CDN, no extra tools required - Write slide pages as (extended) markdown texts in a `textarea` tag - Convert to PDF (with browser's print feature) --- # Write with markdownsdfsdfs ## Paragraphsssd Paragraph with **strong**, *italic*, `code`, or <strike>inline strike tag</strike>. Links as labeled [github](https://github.com/) or direct https://github.com/ . ## Blockquote > blockquote texts with "**> quoted texts...**" ## Table |ID|Name|Value|fffsdsd |--|----|-----| | 1|foo | 10| | 2|bar | 20| --- # Items of markdown no bullte paragraph 1. numbered 1 - bullet 1 - bullet 2 2. numbered 2 1. child 1 2. child 2 3. numbered 3 --- # GFM code block ```js // remark.js enables highlight.js with GFM code block notation // Setting the highlight.js theme at last script tag as: // const slideshow = remark.create({highlightStyle: "github",}); import {Buffer} from "buffer"; const b = Buffer.from("f0f0f0", "hex"); class Target extends EventTarget { constructor() { //... tr } close() {} } function isOk() { return true } console.log(`${Boolean("true")}`); // here is line 20 ------------------------------------------------------ col 80 ``` --- # Key bindings and Side note ## Key bindings - Forward: right, down and space keys - Backward: left, up keys - Full screen toggle: **F** key - Cloned Window: **C** key - original and cloned synchronizes their page move - Help: **H** key ## Side note for presentation `???` as side-note delimiter - Toggle side note: **P** key For presentation - C: open a cloned window to move 2nd screen - F: make the cloned fullscreen - P: switch side note view on the original window - down, down, down: goto to next pages ??? Note here - you can use same notation includes code blocks and optional latex notations --- # Other features Span element with .red[red span] (it should be specified at the style tag). KaTeX for math representaion: $$F(x) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}{f(x)}dx + C$$ Mermaid for graph:
graph LR; A --> B; B --> C; C --> A; D --> C;
--- # Convert to PDF ## Set CSS `@media print` - Fit paper with `top` `left` `width` `height` of `.remark-slide-scaler` ## To PDF file with browser's print - Preview and save as PDF - NOTE: render mermail graph once displayed --- # Indentless textarea edit with # emacs web-mode - Install with `M-x package-install` then type `web-mode` - add customization into `~/.emacs` as: ```lisp (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.html\\'" . web-mode)) (add-hook 'web-mode-hook (lambda () (setq web-mode-markup-indent-offset 2) (setq web-mode-css-indent-offset 2) (setq web-mode-code-indent-offset 2) (setq web-mode-style-padding nil) (setq web-mode-script-padding nil) (setq web-mode-indentless-elements (append web-mode-indentless-elements '("p" "h1" "h2" "h3" "h4"))) (setq web-mode-indentless-attributes (append web-mode-indentless-attributes '("onload"))) (custom-set-faces '(web-mode-html-tag-face ((t (:foreground "blue")))) '(web-mode-html-tag-bracket-face ((t (:foreground "blue"))))))) ```